Youth Tackle Football and Cheer

This is a non-profit, recreation-oriented youth program that is designed to teach kids the fundamentals of Football and Cheerleading. Practice and home games are played at Harold Grimes Memorial Park.

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This is a program based on the strong belief that children, if they are reached at an early age they can develop a positive attitude in their journey through life. The ultimate goal being a lasting contribution in adulthood and go

This is a non-profit, recreation-oriented youth program that relies heavily on athletics and recreational activities to create and cement the bond between the adult volunteers and the youth in the community. 

This is a program based on the strong belief that children, if they are reached at an early age they can develop a positive attitude in their journey through life. The ultimate goal being a lasting contribution in adulthood and good citizenship.

Research studies indicate that children accurately reflect the attitudes of their parents and other individuals significant in their environment. Those attitudes are inherited from one's culture and subculture. This is a program designed to promote greater trust and understanding for our youth. With that result, we will have responsible values instilled in our youth in the community.

LWBJ  is a non-profit organization that is run  by local volunteers in the community.

The objective is to offer educational and sports programs that build  self-esteem and confidence in children. LWBJ   also encourages academic excellence as well as positive interaction with others.

The annual funding of LWBJ Inc. is provided through proprietary donations & fundraising.