Popular Resources

The Lake Worth Beach City Library (LWBCL) offers library card holders resources such as children’s and adult books, a family Spanish collection, DVDs, and audio books. Library services include WiFi, laptops, printing, scanning, faxing, and hotspots. Additional resources are available on-line using a LWBCL card.

Wi-Fi, Printing, Scanning and Photocopy: Library visitors can connect to the library’s Wi-Fi, and print wirelessly from phones, tablets or laptop computers. Scanning, faxing, and photocopying are available. Visitors often bring their own devices to connect to the Internet, but laptops are available for Internet access or printing.

Adult Best-Sellers, Fiction, Non-Fiction, and e-resources:

LWBCL’s focus in adult library services is to offer a large selection of current popular fiction. Local and national news publications as well as popular magazines are also available as e-resources. E-Resources also include e-books and audiobooks. You can find the e-resources on the (CL) Cloud Library App.

Art and Wood Carvings:

The library has an impressive collection of Paintings by Sherman Winton as well as a collection of Wood Carvings by Samuel Schlappich in the newly renovated Florida Room that can be toured by appointment.

Newly Renovated Meeting Room:

The new programming and meeting room has been renovated and is available for rent for your meeting or event. Please contact [email protected] for inquiries.